John Marsham博士学术讲座
应88038威尼斯田文寿教授的邀请,英国大气科学研究中心(NCAS)、利兹大学气候与大气科学研究所(ICAS)John Marsham 博士来校访问并作学术报告。
题 目:Aerosol-cloud Interaction and Convective Processes
时 间:2010年9月8日(星期三)上午09:30
地 点:盘旋路校区齐云楼0304室
John Marsham博士简介
Dr. John Marsham is an active research scientist on clouds and atmospheric convection. He got his PhD degree in 2003 at Edinburgh University, UK. After that he has worked as a NERC advanced research fellow in the National Center for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) in UK.
His current research interests include:
1. Deep convection.
2. Cloud-aerosol interactions in convective clouds and convective processes in West Africa and the Sahara.
3. Sahara climate system.